Selasa, 30 April 2013


Wow, I’m surprised I could actually write my feelings for Luhan down on words. It’s honestly an honor for me to watch Luhan improve his singing and progress with his career. I am honestly so proud of him. I feel like his presence is right next to me. But the main reason why I love Luhan so much are his flaws, mistakes, and imperfections. Because without those, he wouldn’t be the Luhan today. I honestly forget that he’s a celebrity. But anyways, let’s get started before I start crying!
I love how passionate he is with music.
This was the very first reason why I started to like Luhan and that was his passion for music. I honestly never seen a singer like this and Luhan is truly one of a kind. When Luhan sings, it’s as if he forgets all his surroundings and let’s all his emotions out. All the frustrations, sadness, anger, etc. stored in his heart. It’s as if he’s about to break down any minute. He relieves his stress, sadness, anger, frustrations, etc. whether it’s through singing or dancing. I used to think all celebrities had the easy life and had no problems, but Luhan changed that. It’s saddening how Luhan experiences emotional pain. But he’s human also. When I first saw Luhan and Chen perform Baby Don’t Cry at the Seoul showcase, I remember saying out loud, “Wow, you could literally hear the pain in his voice.” and it’s true. I didn’t understand what he was saying but he sounded so hurt. I honestly thought music was to impress people, but the power of Lord Lu showed me that music is to express yourself. In order to get the right pitch, your feelings have to come from the heart. It won’t sound right if you don’t mean it. It’s not something that comes to you because you want to impress people, but something that comes from the heart. 

I love how polite and kind he is to everyone despite his own pain.
Luhan has been through a lot yet he decided to say so pure to everyone. (When I say pure, I mean that he still stays innocent even though he’s experienced things not so lovely. It’s as if nothing ever happened. Not pure bc he’s innocent.) He’s always kind to people, always smiling, always thanking everyone. He shouldn’t be the one thanking us, we should be thanking him.
I love how he bows to people no matter who it is.
When Luhan bows, it’s literally a 90 degree bow. No matter who it is, he will bow. Even if he’s the only one. At DKFC 2013 while they were saying self intros, he was the only one who bowed and I felt really touched. Honestly, I should be the one bowing to Luhan. Also, during the KCON finale, EXO-M was waving to the fans and suddenly 4Minute appeared and Luhan turned around and bowed to them. Like even though EXO-M is a Chinese group, he still bows to his them.
I love how he stays true to his words.
Luhan isn’t the best when it comes to sweet words. Even if it’s a simple “Thank you”, he really means it. And when he always says “I will show a better side to everyone in our next performances!” Like.. what? There’s a better side? Luhan is full of surprises. And when he says that, he actually does mean it. He improves so much and I just want to bear hug him and thank him millions of times.
I love how Luhan improves no matter how many compliments/praises he receives.
He doesn’t stop improving and that’s honestly amazing. It’s an honor, like I said before, to see him improve and grow. And I honestly have seen improvement in him. And the company doesn’t even force him to do better, it’s all him. It was his choice. It was his choice whether to lazy around and do nothing but eat junk food. But no, he chose to improve. Luhan gets a lot of compliments and I appreciate that he doesn’t have that mentality where he’s like “Oh, I could do whatever I want, they’ll love me no matter what I do.” He never fails to impress and amaze me. I’m so proud to call myself his fan, and even if I’m just a fan forever.
I love how he doesn’t get his popularity into his head.
When Luhan is victorious, he doesn’t brag or anything. He stays humble. And coming from someone who doesn’t have any support from his family whatsoever, that’s amazing. Even before when he was in high school, he would get a lot of love letters, compliments, etc. and he never turned into a cocky jerk.
I love how he’s so set on his goals and never stopped chasing his dream.
Luhan never had an easy life and worked hard for everything he had. So many people in Luhan’s life discouraged him to stop dreaming to become a singer, but he ignored their words and kept striving. Luhan’s family and most of his friends kept telling him it won’t happened, but he proved them wrong. Look at where Luhan is now. Honestly, I’m so proud of Luhan. He never turned brittle or held grudges towards his family and friends who discouraged him. And on September 17, 2012, Luhan proved them wrong, including himself. Four years of waiting and thinking that he won’t make it. Scared of each day that he would get kicked out and go home and be scolded by his family because he dropped out of college to try to become a singer. But none of that happened. Despite those thoughts, he still gave 100%+ effort. I thought dreams don’t come true, but Luhan showed me dreams DO come true. Everyone in EXO did.
I love how strong Luhan is.
Okay, I know you’re laughing right now but Luhan is honestly the strongest person ever. You call Luhan ‘weak’? Yeah, his appearance may fool you but Luhan is honestly strong. Living his life without his parent’s support and only going home once in a span of four years during his trainee days. When Luhan went to Beijing when SM gave each China line member a day to go back home, Luhan was alone. He had no one with him. He just went shopping by himself, wandering alone, met up with some friends. He wasn’t with any of his family members unlike Yixing, Kris, and Zitao.  I wish people would realize Luhan is strong. Enduring so much pain, yet the only thing he could do is smile. On top of that, he had a one-sided love with someone for four years. Luhan gets shoved at airports yet he still says it’s okay. It really hurts seeing someone you love get hurt and not being able to do anything. You don’t deserve Luhan’s love due to your selfish needs to shove up your DSLR up in his face. That’s no where near love. I would actually go up and have a conversation with him. I would thank him for everything and tell him how he changed my life. How beautiful he is to me. He may not understand what I have said, but he can hear the sincerity in my voice like what he did to me. I didn’t have any background knowledge of Luhan at that time, yet he changed me with his words, his voice, his smile, and his eyes.
I love how hardworking he is.
No matter what he does, he will always give a 100% effort and beyond to what he does. Because even if he loses, he knows that he gave his 100%+ effort so won’t regret anything. Luhan never got anything easy and he had to work for it. And I’m honestly glad because God knows that he’s a strong enough to endure the pain and climb to the top of a mountain without anyone or anything.
I love how he doesn’t judge a book by it’s cover.
Luhan and the rest of EXO breaks the Asian stereotype where they judge everyone they see and are racist to everyone. Luhan is honestly really outgoing and friendly and no matter who it is, popular or not, pretty or not, he will befriend them. He doesn’t show a cold heart if that person is a nobody. He treats everyone equally and that’s so rare to find in a boy. In China (or well any Asian area), people find it weird if you hanged out with gay or bi people, but Luhan didn’t care. He still hung out with him despite the weird looks people gave him. Honestly, the people who got or will get to know Luhan are so blessed to have such an amazing friend like him. Luhan deserves everything beautiful in his world.
I love how he doesn’t leave anyone out of the group.
There was this one moment where Luhan was with Jongdae during one of their concerts and Minseok was behind them, so Luhan grabbed him and pulled him into their conversation. There isn’t such thing as a “third wheel” to Luhan because he always makes everyone feel welcome to him. There are many many more moments where this happened and sighs.
I love how he’s caring and helpful to the people around him.
When in need of a translator, translator Lu is here! I always pay close attention to Luhan’s reactions during variety shows, concerts, etc. and he’s always whispering to Minseok or Jongdae’s ears even though they have translator jiejie already. And not just to Minseok and Jongdae, but to Joonmyun, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, Jongin, and Sehun. Even before they debuted, when Kai’s teaser came out, he posted on his Cyworld telling all his friends to check it out and come to support him. And during the Sichuan earthquake, Luhan posted on his Cyworld to help out and donate. And despite Luhan being in Korea, he still donated $1000 and he wrote a really heartwarming poem to go along with his post. Also, at the airport, Luhan would guide Minseok and hold his hand + another time he would protect his gege when they were getting mobbed.
I love how he’s such a great friend. Especially to Yixing.
Oh my god, can I just say how much I love Yixing and Luhan’s friendship. I mean, their friendship is so unique and for the most part, their friendship reminds me of my friendship with my best friend. During their Yahoo interview, Yixing was about to demonstrate the chorus of Mama and Luhan checked his waist before he went. When they were at the airport and got mobbed, Luhan seriously looked so pissed while he was protecting Yixing’s waist but he still kept a calm demeanor. And during their rehearsal in Beijing for CCTV Spring Festival, Yixing was in pain and right after they were done, Luhan ran up to check on him and helped him up. Their friendship is so heartwarming and sighs. Zhang Yixing, thank you for being there for Luhan as well.. ;A;
I love how he’s such a dedicated Manchester United fan.
Being a fan for Manchester United over ten years is seriously amazing. And the only time he actually updates his Weibo, it’s about Manchester United. I really hope he can watch a game soon because he deserves it. I would like to be there with him and see his funny reactions, hehe. Or at least have a handshake with Cristiano Ronaldo.
I love how he’s a DBSK fan, as well.
It’s amazing how they were one of the reasons why he wanted to go to Korea and become a singer. He finally did it and it honestly makes me so happy when I see them take a group picture together. Sharing the same stage as them must be such a huge honor for him, wow.
I love how appreciative he is, even if it’s just the little things.
Luhan honestly showed me how beautiful the little things are. Even if it’s just a tiny little fanboard with his name on it, he will be touched and thankful. 
Okay, honestly I have much more to say but let’s cut to the point. I love Luhan as a person to the point where I’m literally in love with him. I never expected this to happen. People may say, “Oh, you don’t know what love is, he’s a singer.” They dont know how I feel and Luhan is a person too and I don’t regret anything. I could yell “LUHAN I LOVE YOU” to the world or type I love you, Luhan a million times and my feelings won’t ever change.
I didn’t write this post for attention or to be called dedicated, I made this post to prove to people that Luhan is more than just his looks and I want Luhan to see this. I want him to know that he’s a beautiful person inside and out. I want Luhan to feel appreciated and loved. I always remind him everyday because everyone has feelings and have something that could make them go down on their knees and sob uncontrollably. I just want Luhan to know that his hard work paid off and he has a fan like me who cares and loves for him genuinely. There are times where I want to cry because Luhan doesn’t know me personally. We might have waved at each other for five seconds, but he doesn’t know that I love him. Before Luhan came into my life, I honestly thought I was this strong and cold-hearted girl who didn’t need no man, but Luhan changed that. I honestly lost track of how many times I cried over Luhan. Whether it’s just winning an award or getting injured, the tears just keep on rolling. I don’t ever think I can finish this because each day, I find a reason to love Luhan.
Cr :  Exotropolis 

2 komentar:

  1. Hi, I just wanted to say thank you for posting my Why I Love Luhan page on your blog! :)

    1. You're welcome :) Good coment for my baby lulu.. :D
